Wednesday, February 10, 2010

To extend activation period of windows7 and vista

Because of the built-in VB script in vista we can increase the trail period by 30 days but it will work only three times i.e, u can extend it for 120 days and the best part is it's not violation of Windows End-User license agreement.

The following process of extending trail period using script is known as REARMING.

Step 1:-Goto Start>All programs>Accessories>Command Prompt
Step 2:-Don't just open command prompt,right click on it and select Run as Administrator.It will take u to this location C:\Windows\system32 .If not,then manually enter the location in ur cmd
Step 3:-Now just type the below script and press enter
             cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm
Step 4:-It will prompt for restart.After restart u will see ur trail period extended by 30 days enjoy have a nice day :)


  1. nice stuff dude... it helps many noobs those who face the problems of expiry date..

  2. nice dude
    good work ra
    its really helpful to many

  3. @
    hope u were helped by this

  4. ya its a nice idea man
    it may b helpful

  5. @
    but u fall into the catogery of ppl u mentioned
